Glass Laser Drilling and Frosted Machine

1.The laser Drill and Scrub machine of glass produces edges with a natural finish and great smoothness.

Compared to conventional glass Drill and Scrub methods, the output generated has a high break strength and requires little maintenance.

2.The automated and computer-driven processes enable cutting, resulting in quick and cost-effective outcomes.

3.Glass of different thicknesses can be sliced with lasers into almost any shape. For many companies in a variety of industries, the Drill and Scrub process is the method of choice since it is quick, clean, accurate, and customizable.

4.Industrial laser cutters are able to cut any form with the greatest flexibility, producing fine details with the smallest pieces with the highest precision.

5.It produces fine details on the laser-cut glass with the highest precision, and reduces costs because there is a lot less material waste.

Technical Parameters:


Widely used in automotive industry, construction industry, medical care, displays,  sapphire, mobile phone cover glass, camera protection lens, home button cover, optical lens, etc. Rapid special-shaped cutting to large-sized filters used in large-scale manufacturing fields .

Working principle:

The laser beam’s high peak power and high peak power density are focused inside the glass, instantly vaporizing the material in the area to create a vaporization zone, which quickly spreads to the upper and lower surfaces to form holes. The cutting section is composed of countless hole points, and cutting is achieved through external stress fracture.





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